Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We need change... We need change....

That is all I hear from the candidates. "We need change" or "I am the change agent" or "Organize for Change". This is what confuses me... Why spend another 4 years of dealing with change. Why doesn't a candidate just announce that he or she is not going to change everything, but just fix what is broken. Fixing is different from Changing.

Changing to me is just an excuse for failing down the road. We live in a free country. The best country in the world... so major change is not required. YES, we have problems... but changing this and changing that will only delay producing good results. FIX, FIX, FIX. I cannot say it enough.

When go to vote this November... try choosing a candidate that you think will fix the country and not change it. McCain or Obama.... I think we need a change of candidates.....

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